CFAMM Publications from 2000 to 2004
1. Brooks, S. A., N. Dontha, C. B. Davis, J. K. Stuart, G. O'Neil, & W. G. Kuhr (2000), Segregation of micrometer-dimension biosensor elements on a variety of substrate surfaces, Analytical Chemistry, 72(14), 3253-3259.
2. Choi, Y. G., G. L. Grantham, & A. L. N. Rao (2000), Molecular studies on bromovirus capsid protein, Virology, 270(2), 377-385.
3. Clarke, I. C., V. Good, P. Williams, D. Schroeder, L. Anissian, A. Stark, H. Oonishi, J. Schuldies, & G. Gustafson (2000), Ultra-low wear rates for rigid-on-rigid bearings in total hip replacements, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 214(4), 331-347.
4. Evans, B. W., M. S. Ghiorso, & S. M. Kuehner (2000), Thermodynamic properties of tremolite: A correction and some comments, American Mineralogist, 85(3-4), 466-472.
5. Kho, R., L. Nguyen, C. L. Torres-Martínez, & R. K. Mehra (2000), Zinc–histidine as nucleation centers for growth of zns nanocrystals, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 272(1), 29-35.
6. Kho, R., C. L. Torres-Martínez, & R. K. Mehra (2000), A simple colloidal synthesis for gram-quantity production of water-soluble zns nanocrystal powders, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 227(2), 561-566.
7. Mercier, F., & G. I. Hatton (2000), Immunocytochemical basis for a meningeo-glial network, The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 420(4), 445-465.
8. Mickelbart, M. V., R. Miller, S. Parry, M. L. Arpaia, & R. L. Heath (2000), Avocado leaf surface morphology, California Avocado Society 2000 Yearbook, 84, 139-150.
9. Patel, A. A., F. Wu, J. Z. Zhang, C. L. Torres-Martinez, R. K. Mehra, Y. Yang, & S. H. Risbud (2000), Synthesis, optical spectroscopy and ultrafast electron dynamics of pbs nanoparticles with different surface capping, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 104(49), 11598-11605.
10. Takano, T., K. i. Nakata, S. Schulte‐Eistrup, S. Kawahito, J. Glueck, I. C. Clarke, P. A. Williams, T. Maeda, K. Nonaka, J. Linneweber, M. Yoshikawa, A. Fujisawa, K. Makinouchi, M. Yokokawa, & Y. Nosé (2000), Particles released from the gyro c1e3 during simulated extracorporeal circulation, Artificial Organs, 24(6), 446-449.
11. Wilkens, S., J. Zhou, R. Nakayama, S. D. Dunn, & R. A. Capaldi (2000), Localization of the d subunit in the escherichia coli f1f0-atpsynthase by immuno electron microscopy: The d subunit binds on top of the f, Journal of Molecular Biology, 295, 387-391.
12. Zach, M. P., K. H. Ng, & R. M. Penner (2000), Molybdenum nanowires by electrodeposition, Science,290(5499), 2120-2123.
13. Zach, M. P., & R. M. Penner (2000), Nanocrystalline nickel nanoparticles, Advanced Materials, 12(12), 878-883.
14. Babcock, C. S., J. M. Heraty, P. J. De Barro, F. Driver, & S. Schmidt (2001), Preliminary phylogeny of encarsia förster (hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) based on morphology and 28s rdna, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 18(2), 306-323.
15. Bologna, M. A., & J. D. Pinto (2001), Phylogenetic studies of meloidae (coleoptera), with emphasis on the evolution of phoresy, Systematic Entomology, 26(1), 33-72.
16. Bozhilov, K. N., & B. W. Evans (2001), Ferroanthophyllite in rockport grunerite: A transmission electron microscopy study, American Mineralogist, 86(10), 1252-1260.
17. De Ley, I., J. Baldwin, P. De Ley, M. Mundo-Ocampo, S. Nadler, & M. Gebre (2001), Acromoldavicus mojavicus n. Sp. (nematoda: Cephaloboidea) from the mojave desert, california, Nematology, 3(4), 343-353.
18. DeMason, D. A., & R. J. Schmidt (2001), Roles of the u ni gene in shoot and leaf development of pea ( pisum sativum ): Phenotypic characterization and leaf development in the uni and uni‐tac mutants, International Journal of Plant Sciences, 162(5), 1033-1051.
19. Favier, F., E. C. Walter, M. P. Zach, T. Benter, & R. M. Penner (2001), Hydrogen sensors and switches from electrodeposited palladium mesowire arrays, Science, 293(5538), 2227-2231.
20. Gao, F., Q. Lu, X. Liu, Y. Yan, & D. Zhao (2001), Controlled synthesis of semiconductor pbs nanocrystals and nanowires inside mesoporous silica sba-15 phase, Nano Letters, 1(12), 743-748.
21. Huang, L., H. Wang, Z. Wang, A. Mitra, & Y. Yan (2001), Silver nanowires eelectrodeposited from reverse hexagonal liquid crystals, MRS Proceedings, 676, Y3.32.
22. Huang, L., Z. Wang, H. Wang, J. Sun, Q. Li, D. Zhao, & Y. Yan (2001), Hierarchical porous structures by using zeolite nanocrystals as building blocks, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 48(1-3), 73-78.
23. Mercier, F., & G. I. Hatton (2001), Connexin 26 and basic fibroblast growth factor are expressed primarily in the subpial and subependymal layers in adult brain parenchyma: Roles in stem cell proliferation and morphological plasticity?, The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 431(1), 88-104.
24. Shishido, T., I. C. Clarke, P. A. Williams, A. Gustafson, H. Shoji, M. Böhler, K. Keggi, & A. Imakiire (2001), Clinical wear and simulator study of ceramic-ceramic thr to 20 years and beyond, Key Engineering Materials, 218-220, 507-510.
25. Torres-Martínez, C. L., R. Kho, O. I. Mian, & R. K. Mehra (2001), Efficient photocatalytic degradation of environmental pollutants with mass-produced zns nanocrystals, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 240(2), 525-532.
26. Wang, H., L. Huang, Z. Wang, A. Mitra, & Y. Yan (2001), Hierarchical zeolite structures with designed shape by gel-casting of colloidal nanocrystal suspensions, Chemical Communications(15), 1364-1365.
27. Wang, H., Z. Wang, L. Huang, A. Mitra, B. Holmberg, & Y. Yan (2001), High-surface-area zeolitic silica with mesoporosity, Journal of Materials Chemistry - J MATER CHEM, 11, 2307-2310.
28. Wang, H., Z. Wang, L. Huang, A. Mitra, & Y. Yan (2001), Surface patterns by solvent evaporation of colloidal zeolite suspension, MRS Proceedings, 676, Y1.4.
29. Wang, Z., & Y. Yan (2001), Controlling crystal orientation in zeolite mfi thin films by direct in situ crystallization, Chemistry of Materials, 13(3), 1101-1107.
30. Wang, Z., & Y. Yan (2001), Oriented zeolite mfi monolayer films on metal substrates by in situ crystallization, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 48(1), 229-238.
31. Wilkens, S., & M. Forgac (2001), Three-dimensional structure of the vacuolar atpase proton channel by electron microscopy, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276(47), 44064-44068.
32. Yamamoto, K., I. C. Clarke, T. Masaoka, H. Oonishi, P. A. Williams, V. D. Good, & A. Imakiire (2001), Microwear phenomena of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene cups and debris morphology related to ? Radiation dose in simulator study, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 56(1), 65-73.
33. Baldwin, J., P. De Ley, M. Mundo-Ocampo, S. Nadler, S. P. Stock, & I. De Ley (2002), Panagrobelus stammeri rühm, 1956 and plectonchus hunti n. Sp.: Implications of new morphological observations for characterisation of these genera (nematoda: Panagrolaimoidea), Nematology, 4(3), 403-419.
34. Baldwin, J., L. Poiras, D. Bumbarger, & M. Mundo-Ocampo (2002), Nothacrobeles borregi n. Sp. (nematoda: Cephalobidae) from anza borrego, california and n. Laticollaris (de ley & vandebroek, 1992) n. Comb., Nematology, 4(7), 865-874.
35. Chiu, C., J. Baldwin, & M. Mundo-Ocampo (2002), Metacrobeles amblyurus n. Sp. (nematoda: Cephaloboidea) from death valley, california, Nematology, 4(5), 645-652.
36. Fu, Y., H. Li, & Z. Yang (2002), The rop2 gtpase controls the formation of cortical fine f-actin and the early phase of directional cell expansion during arabidopsis organogenesis, The Plant Cell, 14(4), 777-794.
37. Huang, L., H. Wang, Z. Wang, A. Mitra, D. Zhao, & Y. Yan (2002), Cuprite nanowires by electrodeposition from lyotropic reverse hexagonal liquid crystalline phase, Chemistry of Materials, 14(2), 876-880.
38. Huang, L., Z. Wang, H. Wang, X. Cheng, A. Mitra, & Y. Yan (2002), Polyaniline nanowires by electropolymerization from liquid crystalline phases, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 12(2), 388-391.
39. Huang, L. m., H. t. Wang, Z. b. Wang, A. Mitra, K. n. Bozhilov, & Y. s. Yan (2002), Nanowire arrays electrodeposited from liquid crystalline phases, Advanced Materials, 14(1), 61-64.
40. Klotz, J. H., C. Amrhein, S. McDaniel, M. K. Rust, & D. A. Reierson (2002), Assimilation and toxicity of boron in the argentine ant (hymenoptera: Formicidae), Journal of Entomological Science, 37(2), 193-199.
41. Lee, J.-Y., I. L. Urbatsch, A. E. Senior, & S. Wilkens (2002), Projection structure of p-glycoprotein by electron microscopy, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277(42), 40125-40131.
42. Mercier, F., J. T. Kitasako, & G. I. Hatton (2002), Anatomy of the brain neurogenic zones revisited: Fractones and the fibroblast/macrophage network, Journal of Comparative Neurology, 451(2), 170-188.
43. Mitra, A., C. W. Kirby, Z. Wang, L. Huang, H. Wang, Y. Huang, & Y. Yan (2002), Synthesis of pure-silica mtw powder and supported films, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 54(1), 175-186.
44. Mitra, A., Z. Wang, T. Cao, H. Wang, L. Huang, & Y. Yan (2002), Synthesis and corrosion resistance of high-silica zeolite mtw, bea, and mfi coatings on steel and aluminum, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 149(10), B472.
45. Rugge, A., & S. H. Tolbert (2002), Effect of electrostatic interactions on crystallization in binary colloidal films, Langmuir, 18(18), 7057-7065.
46. Shuai, B., C. G. Reynaga-Peña, & P. S. Springer (2002), The lateral organ boundaries gene defines a novel, plant-specific gene family, Plant Physiology, 129(2), 747-761.
47. Sun, D., F. S. Tham, C. A. Reed, & P. D. W. Boyd (2002), Extending supramolecular fullerene-porphyrin chemistry to pillared metal-organic frameworks, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(8), 5088-5092.
48. Sun, D., F. S. Tham, C. A. Reed, & P. D. W. Boyd (2002), Extending supramolecular fullerene-porphyrin chemistry to pillared metal-organic frameworks, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(8), 5088-5092.
49. Tamura, J., I. C. Clarke, K. Kawanabe, M. Akagi, V. D. Good, P. A. Williams, T. Masaoka, D. Schroeder, & O. Hironobu (2002), Micro‐wear patterns on uhmwpe tibial inserts in total knee joint, edited.
50. Walter, E. C., M. P. Zach, F. Favier, B. Murray, K. Inazu, J. C. Hemminger, & R. M. Penner (2002), Electrodeposition of portable, metal nanowire arrays, paper presented at International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, 2002-11-1.
51. Wang, H., B. A. Holmberg, L. Huang, Z. Wang, A. Mitra, J. M. Norbeck, & Y. Yan (2002), Nafion-bifunctional silica composite proton conductive membraneselectronic supplementary information (esi) available: Sem images of the surface of a nbs composite membrane (a) and a nafion 117 membrane (b). Inset: A nbs composite membrane at high magnification. See http://www.Rsc.Org/suppdata/jm/b1/b107498a/,Journal of Materials Chemistry, 12(4), 834-837.
52. Wang, H., B. A. Holmberg, & Y. Yan (2002), Homogeneous polymer–zeolite nanocomposite membranes by incorporating dispersible template-removed zeolite nanocrystals, J. Mater. Chem., 12(12), 3640-3643.
53. Diéguez-Uribeondo, J., H. Förster, & J. E. Adaskaveg (2003), Digital image analysis of internal light spots of appressoria of colletotrichum acutatum, Phytopathology®, 93(8), 923-930.
54. Dolinski, C. M., & J. G. Baldwin (2003), Fine structure of the stoma of bunonema sp. And teratorhabditis palmarum (nematoda) and its phylogenetic significance, Journal of nematology, 35(5), 244–251.
55. Green, D. D., P. A. Williams, G. Pezzotti, & I. C. Clarke (2003), Preliminary investigation of al-doped zirconia in water for thr's, Key Engineering Materials, 240-242, 827-830.
56. Henkemeyer, M., O. S. Itkis, M. Ngo, P. W. Hickmott, & I. M. Ethell (2003), Multiple ephb receptor tyrosine kinases shape dendritic spines in the hippocampus, The Journal of Cell Biology, 163(6), 1313-1326.
57. Holmberg, B. A., H. Wang, J. M. Norbeck, & Y. Yan (2003), Controlling size and yield of zeolite y nanocrystals using tetramethylammonium bromide, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 59(1), 13-28.
58. Huang, L., H. Wang, C. Y. Hayashi, B. Tian, D. Zhao, & Y. Yan (2003), Single-strand spider silk templating for the formation of hierarchically ordered hollow mesoporous silica fibers, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 13(4), 666-668.
59. Koag, M.-C., R. D. Fenton, S. Wilkens, & T. J. Close (2003), The binding of maize dhn1 to lipid vesicles. Gain of structure and lipid specificity, Plant Physiology, 131(1), 309-316.
60. Li, S., L. Blanchoin, Z. Yang, & E. M. Lord (2003), The putative arabidopsis arp2/3 complex controls leaf cell morphogenesis, Plant Physiology, 132(4), 2034-2044.
61. Li, S., C. Demmelmaier, M. Itkis, Z. Liu, R. C. Haddon, & Y. Yan (2003), Micropatterned oriented zeolite monolayer films by direct in situ crystallization, Chemistry of Materials, 15(14), 2687-2689.
62. Lin, W.-c. (2003), The arabidopsis lateral organ boundaries-domain gene asymmetric leaves2 functions in the repression of knox gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning, THE PLANT CELL ONLINE, 15(10), 2241-2252.
63. Liu, M., D. Sims, P. Calarco, & P. Talbot (2003), Biochemical heterogeneity, migration, and pre-fertilization release of mouse oocyte cortical granules, Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology.
64. Luo, H., C. Wang, & Y. Yan (2003), Synthesis of mesostructured titania with controlled crystalline framework, Chemistry of Materials, 15(20), 3841-3846.
65. Luo, H., J. Zhang, & Y. Yan (2003), Electrochemical deposition of mesoporous crystalline oxide semiconductor films from lyotropic liquid crystalline phases, Chemistry of Materials, 15(20), 3769-3773.
66. Mercier, F., J. T. Kitasako, & G. I. Hatton (2003), Fractones and other basal laminae in the hypothalamus, Journal of Comparative Neurology, 455(3), 324-340.
67. Ravindran, S., S. Chaudhary, B. Colburn, M. Ozkan, & C. S. Ozkan (2003), Covalent coupling of quantum dots to multiwalled carbon nanotubes for electronic device applications, Nano Letters, 3(4), 447-453.
68. Roth, K. M., A. A. Yasseri, Z. Liu, R. B. Dabke, V. Malinovskii, K.-H. Schweikart, L. Yu, H. Tiznado, F. Zaera, J. S. Lindsey, W. G. Kuhr, & D. F. Bocian (2003), Measurements of electron-transfer rates of charge-storage molecular monolayers on si(100). Toward hybrid molecular/semiconductor information storage devices, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125(2), 505-517.
69. Rugge, A., J. S. Becker, R. G. Gordon, & S. H. Tolbert (2003), Tungsten nitride inverse opals by atomic layer deposition, Nano Letters, 3(9), 1293-1297.
70. Shishido, T., I. C. Clarke, P. Williams, M. Boehler, T. Asano, H. Shoji, T. Masaoka, K. Yamamoto, & A. Imakiire (2003), Clinical and simulator wear study of alumina ceramic thr to 17 years and beyond, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 67B(1), 638-647.
71. Torabinejad, M., Y. Cho, A. Khademi, L. Bakland, & S. Shabahang (2003), The effect of various concentrations of sodium hypochlorite on the ability of mtad to remove the smear layer, Journal of Endodontics, 29(4), 233-239.
72. Torabinejad, M., A. Khademi, J. Babagoli, Y. Cho, W. Johnson, K. Bozhilov, J. Kim, & S. Shabahang (2003), A new solution for the removal of the smear layer, Journal of Endodontics, 29(3), 170-175.
73. Walter, E. C., M. P. Zach, F. Favier, B. J. Murray, K. Inazu, J. C. Hemminger, & R. M. Penner (2003), Metal nanowire arrays by electrodeposition, ChemPhysChem, 4(2), 131-138.
74. Williams, P. A., I. C. Clarke, G. Pezzotti, D. D. Green, & B. Ben-Nissan (2003), Water-lubrication effects on zirconia debris production in hip-joint simulators, Key Engineering Materials, 240-242, 835-838.
75. Zach, M. P., J. T. Newberg, L. Sierra, J. C. Hemminger, & R. M. Penner (2003), Chemical vapor deposition of silica micro- and nanoribbons using step-edge localized water, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107(23), 5393-5397.
76. Zhang, Z., C. Charsky, P. M. Kane, & S. Wilkens (2003), Yeast v1-atpase, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278(47), 47299-47306.
77. Bowsher, J. G., A. Hussain, P. Williams, J. Nevelos, & J. C. Shelton (2004), Effect of ion implantation on the tribology of metal-on-metal hip prostheses, The Journal of Arthroplasty, 19(8), 107-111.
78. Bozhilov, K. N., D. M. Jenkins, & D. R. Veblen (2004), Pyribole evolution during tremolite synthesis from oxides, American Mineralogist, 89(1), 74-84.
79. DeMason, D. A., & R. Chawla (2004), Roles for auxin during morphogenesis of the compound leaves of pea ( pisum sativum ), Planta, 218(3), 435-448.
80. Kang, S., A. Subramani, E. Hoek, M. Deshusses, & M. Matsumoto (2004), Direct observation of biofouling in cross-flow microfiltration: Mechanisms of deposition and release, Journal of Membrane Science, 244(1-2), 151-165.
81. Li, S., Z. Li, K. N. Bozhilov, Z. Chen, & Yan (2004), Tem investigation of formation mechanism of monocrystal-thick b-oriented pure silica zeolite mfi film, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126(34), 10732-10737.
82. Li, S., X. Wang, D. Beving, Z. Chen, & Yan (2004), Molecular sieving in a nanoporous b -oriented pure-silica-zeolite mfi monocrystal film, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126(13), 4122-4123.
83. Li, Z. J., S. Li, H. M. Luo, & Y. S. Yan (2004), Effects of crystallinity in spin-on pure-silica-zeolite mfi low-dielectric-constant films, Advanced Functional Materials, 14(10), 1019-1024.
84. Luo, H., L. Sun, Y. Lu, & Yan (2004), Electrodeposition of mesoporous semimetal and magnetic metal films from lyotropic liquid crystalline phases, Langmuir, 20(23), 10218-10222.
85. Luo, H., T. Takata, Y. Lee, J. Zhao, K. Domen, & Yan (2004), Photocatalytic activity enhancing for titanium dioxide by co-doping with bromine and chlorine, Chemistry of Materials, 16(5), 846-849.
86. Mitra, A., Cao, Wang, Wang, L. Huang, S. Li, Li, & Yan (2004), Synthesis and evaluation of pure-silica-zeolite BEA as low dielectric constant material for microprocessors, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43(12), 2946-2949.
87. Ravindran, S., K. N. Bozhilov, & C. S. Ozkan (2004), Self assembly of ordered artificial solids of semiconducting ZnS capped CdSe nanoparticles at carbon nanotube ends, Carbon, 42(8), 1537-1542.
88. Wang, C., M. Waje, X. Wang, J. M. Tang, R. C. Haddon, & Yan (2004), Proton exchange membrane fuel cells with carbon nanotube based electrodes, Nano Letters, 4(2), 345-348.
89. Wang, X., M. Waje, & Y. Yan (2004), Methanol resistant cathodic catalyst for direct methanol fuel cells, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151(12), A2183.
90. Wilkens, S., T. Inoue, & M. Forgac (2004), Three-dimensional structure of the vacuolar atpase, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(40), 41942-41949.
91. Zhao, J., H.-Y. Yang, & E. M. Lord (2004), Calcium levels increase in the lily stylar transmitting tract after pollination, Sexual Plant Reproduction, 16(6), 259-263.